Web Design & Development Blog

How to Design a Cross-Browser Compatible Website: Tips & Tricks

  Question: Do you have a favorite web browser? It’s a rhetorical question not only because I can’t hear your answer but also because I know you do! But have you ever stopped to consider that your favorite web browser isn’t everyone’s favorite web browser? If you have, kudos! But if you haven’t, you’ve just [...]

Harness the Power of Visual Storytelling in Web Design

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” As a freelance content writer, I don’t love that because words are my thing! Words are important! But it’s true. Did you know that images are processed 6x-600x faster than words, according to this research? That makes sense because you have to [...]

Why Web Design is Crucial to Branding

The words “brand” and “branding” are bandied about everywhere so much these days it can be difficult to remember what they actually mean. “Brand” is the way your company is perceived by everyone else – cool, fun, educational, down-to-earth, etc. What are the words you want people to use to describe your company? “Branding” is [...]

Tips for Creating SEO-Friendly Websites at Web Symphonies

Here’s a question for you: Does your website make sense? Is there a logical organizational structure to it? Hodgepodge may be fun for crafts but it doesn’t work for websites, especially if you want it to be search engine optimization (SEO) friendly. That’s because search engines mimic humans as they crawl through your website and [...]

Convert More Website Visitors into Customers With Web Symphonies

If you’re reading this, I’m going to assume you already know the importance of having an attractive website for your small business. Sure, some people find success only using social media to house all information about their business – location, hours, contact information, etc. – but that’s dangerous because you don’t own social media. At [...]

How AI Can Help You With SEO

I’ll be honest, artificial intelligence (AI) scares me a little. Like many, I wonder if it will put me out of a job. However, from everything I’m seeing thus far, I’m hearing AI won’t do that, rather, it’s people that know how to use AI that will. In other words, AI is here to stay [...]

Why You Should Change Your WordPress Login URL (and How)

True Story: I have a personal blog that’s 15 years old and I started getting brute force attacks, meaning hackers were trying to gain access to my website as an administrator. I’m talking 750 login attempts an hour! Because I have a stellar security plugin, these hackers didn’t succeed but at one point I got [...]

7 Tips: How to Pick the Right Web Design & Development Firm

These days people aren’t hurting for choice when it comes to picking the right web design and development firm. With so many options, how do you pick the right one? As a Charlotte web design company that’s been in business for many years, we know a thing or two about what makes a good web [...]

Things to Remember for Effective Charlotte SEO at Web Symphonies

Because search engine optimization (SEO) is such a buzzword, many businesses recognize they need it, but don’t exactly know what SEO is or how to effectively optimize their SEO. That’s OK! SEO can be confusing! Let us break it down for you. I’ve written about this before, but a quick recap: The focus of SEO [...]

3 Tips for Creating a Business Website

Things to consider when creating a business website. As we’re approaching the end of the year, maybe you’re taking stock of your life and realizing your job sucks. Maybe you’re saying to yourself, “I don’t want to do this anymore. I’d rather have my own business.” Fantastic! Go for it! However, before you fire up [...]

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