As a Charlotte web design company, Web Symphonies knows the importance of search engine optimization (SEO), which is what allows you to show up on search engine results pages (SERPs). In other words, SEO is how people can find you. Without SEO, your website might as well not exist. That sounds harsh, but it’s true.
I know people who put a lot of effort into building their websites on their own or enlisting a family friend but that hasn’t translated into web traffic because they didn’t do anything with the website. It was basically an expensive calling card that didn’t use keywords, didn’t have a blog, and in short, didn’t offer value to visitors.
Yes, we’re in the age of AI, but all that’s done is emphasize even more the importance of connecting with people. Google calls this “people-first” content and says, “[F]ocus on creating people-first content to be successful with Google Search, rather than search engine-first content made primarily to gain search engine rankings.”
How to create people-first content for Charlotte audiences
What that means is you need to talk to people, not to machines. A real person is reading or watching your content. Are you connecting with them on a heart level? Are you using emotion? If not, that’s a missed opportunity to connect with your audience and be more relevant, helpful, and rank higher in SERPs.
Remember that when people search for something, there’s a reason why. They could be looking for a Charlotte web designer because they’re overwhelmed by the idea of creating a website themselves. Or maybe they’re looking for a Charlotte web design company because their last website just sat there and didn’t help them boost sales. There is always an emotional state behind what people are searching for and understanding that will help you tailor content. The tool we use is Moz Pro and we’re happy to help you figure out the emotion behind keyword searches for your business.
Here’s a quick example for informational content, which is what it sounds like: people are looking for information. That means they’re trying to solve a problem or learn something. Their emotional state is likely curious, confused, or stressed. What do people want when they feel that way? Something easy to follow, simple, and well laid out. You get their attention by writing a blog that says, “5 Easy Ways to Get More Vegetables in Your Life” or “A Simple Guide to Boosting Your Local SEO.”
Use power words
As a marketing content writer, I understand the power of words. The right word can make all the difference. Think about the connotation of “walk” versus “scramble.” Use power words in your meta title and description to draw people in. Write a snazzy headline and a persuasive call to action (CTA). It doesn’t have to be complicated, nor do you need to break out a thesaurus. A power word could be as simple as “best,” such as “The Best Web Designers in Charlotte.”
The bottom line is you want to talk to your customer or client. What is a frequent frustration or challenge they face? And how can you help? Reading forum discussions to get firsthand experience will help you tailor your language around the troubles people have and how you can solve them. You’re writing from a place of emotion and empathy while also presenting yourself as a solution provider. That’s huge.
To sum up, SEO can be fun, interesting, helpful, compelling. . .You’re a real person writing for real people so your content should reflect that. Let your personality shine through and don’t be scared of emotion because we’re all emotional beings. The question is, will you let it help you?
If you’re looking for help on emotion-driven SEO, get in touch with us via email or call (704) 336-9113.
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Boost Your SEO Today! Discover the power of emotional content to enhance your website’s performance. Contact Web Symphonies now!